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A slight diversion from our C’Thun bashing led us back into Naxxramas. There we faced Grand Widow Faerlina and her followers who we despatched remarkably quickly!

Noth the Plaguebringer now lies dead in Naxxramas. The fight is basically a ‘kill him and his friends before he kills you and your friends’ kind of thing. A fair few damage-increasing elixirs were consumed in the battle, so a special thanks goes out to those who went out of their way to provide us with an enourmous supply of them!

The twin emperors Vek’lor and Vek’nilash, servants of C’Thun have been defeated!

A fearless team of warlocks and warriors (Yakujim, Aphadon, Perseus and Vierklauw) took the brunt of the Twins’ physical and magical attacks (and were kept alive by an awesome team of healers) while the rest of the team brought the full force of their attack to them (while avoiding exploding bugs, arcane explosions and blizzards of course).

The sneaky twins kept teleporting to each other’s positions in a futile attempt to catch us unawares, but we were ready for their dirty tricks! A few rogues nearly collapsed with exhaustion running between the two, yet were still nimble and agile enough to take over when Aphadon and Vierklauw were slain towards the end of the battle (don’t worry, they’re better now).

A superb job from everyone at getting them down on the very first attempt of the night!

Tuesday 22nd August: Deeprun Pest Control strikes a decisive blow against the horde by assassinating their Warchief Thrall in a daring but brilliant raid.

Led by the charismatic Skypheonix, the plan was simple but stunningly effective. An elite summoning team sneaked into Orgrimmar in the dead of night ready to summon the entire raid into position the next day.

While the summons were taking place, a brave secondary team assaulted the Undercity of Lordaeron with the intent of causing the largest distraction possible. This they accomplished with honours. Their brave sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Once the assault began, Thrall soon fell. The warchief he may be, but he and his lieutenants didn’t stand much of a chance against a surprise attack from a 45-strong team of DPC raiders. The horde were caught completely off guard.

After the battle, we proceeded to the centre of Orgrimmar for a spectacular fireworks celebration in true DPC style!

School was very much in session tonight as DPC showed Instructor Razuvious that physical training alone will not get the job done, and that failing to teach your students basic mind control defence techniques can be very costly indeed. He also learnt that rogues can make very good tanks – for about 15 seconds…

Razuvious is a skilled swordsman and trainer of 4 apprentices. He is the first boss in the Deathknight Wing of Naxxramas and his attacks can bring a warrior to the ground with just a single strike.

Turning his own students against him with the power of mind control, they easily absorbed his powerful attacks, while our expert damage-dealing teams were hitting him with everything they had.

Great work from all, especially the priests who enjoyed a sudden crash course in raid tanking skills, and it all came together nicely. All in all, a very enjoyable fight that we managed to master remarkably quickly!

Looted from the corpse of Anub’Rekhan today, a piece of the Legendary Staff of Atiesh – originally wielded by none other than Medivh himself. The staff that was split into 40 pieces, Pandiani will attempt to reassemble after winning the first splinter today for the bargain price of 1200 DKP (a new record in our history! – though of course the one price covers the staff as a whole)

Just 39 other splinters, the base and the head of the staff to go Pandi!

Well, it took us a few tries, but in true DPC style we’ve bagged our first kill in the dread citadel Naxxramas. The successful attack was executed beautifully, with some last minute improvisation helping to make the kill as smooth as possible. There were a few fatalities, but we held through to gain a well-earned kill in the end. Superb teamwork from all involved.

A big thank you goes out to everyone who helped this happen!

Thanks to the valiant efforts of all concerned in gaining armour and potions to resist her attacks, and through hours of training, DPC have notched up another kill in Ahn’Qiraj – that of Princess Huhuran.

Congratulations to all those involved!

Since the Ahn’Qiraj gates were opened, the Deeprun Pest Control has been working hard to vanquish the servants of C’Thun.

Progress in the Ahn’Qiraj ruins was very swift and within a matter of days Ossirian the “Unscarred” and all of his minions were defeated.

The war at the Ahn’Qiraj temple began well with The Prophet Skeram falling swiftly. The bug trio of Vem, Yauj, and Kri resisted several attempts on their lives but ultimately also fell.

However, all was not so glorious; repeated defeats against the Battleguard Sartura and even the reborn Prophet Skeram drove weariness into the hearts of even our most hardened warriors. Enthusiasm failed and some even questioned the wisdom of continuing the fight against a seemingly undefeatable foe.

All that changed 3 days ago when Battleguard Sartura was finally slain! Spurred on by this great victory, the past few days have seen renewed energy in the Ahn’Qiraj fight. Our forces valiantly engaged Fankriss the Unyielding in battle and on the second day of combat, the beast was annihilated by superior firepower and cunning strategy.

We continue on in our march to C’Thun…