You’ll have to forgive the somewhat cheesy headline but hey, we’re happy! it started a few weeks ago with Vierklauw getting our first Sulfuras, Hand Of Ragnaros in almost 1 year of raiding MC! This was, of course, followed shortly by the Splinter of Atiesh for Pandiani which was the start of the items for the Legendary Caster Staff.

And now…

10 months and 3 Weeks after getting the first binding from Barron Geddon we FINALLY got the second binding for Perseus there yesterday! Needless to say the MC run was cut short and we took a quick trip to Silithus in order to kill Thunderaan (who wins the “most anti-climatic boss in a while” award!) and form the Guilds first (and probably only!) Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.

Big thank you to those who lent the last Arcanite needed to form the Elementium Bars, especially ofc Nightstar!

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